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Cultural Committee

Cultural Committee

The Students Welfare Board aims to promote the social-psychological and cultural growth of the students through a host of activities around the year. The Cultural Committee at the Institute of Design, Nirma University, brings together a team that ensures the planning and execution of the events that take place at the institute and university level.

Cultural activities at the institute bring out the creative side of the students. The participation and organisation of these events are the best learning experience a student can have. “ReDo”, the annual cultural festival of the institute is a rainbow event with dance, theatre, drama, music and much more. Eminent keynote speakers from the design industry are also invited to share their experiences, ideas and views on design today. ReDo fest is ?for the students, of the students, by the students? and is the most awaited event of the year.

Additionally, university-level cultural festivals like Ras-Garba Mahotsav (RAMZAT) and NUZEAL are star attractions planned during the year.

During the cultural events, more student volunteers join hands to execute and celebrate together. A due recognition from the Institute is given to the students for participation and engagement in the cultural activities.


Prof Snehal Balapure
Faculty Coordinator
Phone: 079-71652327